

The guardian of the Yosemite, Galen Clark, once said, “I have seen persons of emotional temperament stand with tearful eyes, spellbound and dumb with awe, as they got their first view of the Valley … overwhelmed in the sudden presence of the unspeakable, stupendous grandeur.”

My words will never come close to capturing what Galen Clark wrote about the beauty that is in this park, but I can speak personally about the power of Yosemite. There is magic there. There is a distinct sense of greatness in the landscape but it is more than that. Yosemite has the ability to inspire people. Whether you are a photographer, rock climber, or hiker, Yosemite inspires awe and inspiration.

I am more than willing to accept that I am not the first artist to be inspired by its majesty, and I doubt I will be the last. These images are my experience with Yosemite. There was an attempt to capture the “stupendous grandeur” but ultimately I hope you can take these images and feel inspired to connect with nature. [Shot on Portra 400 taken with a Mamiya 645]

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