

Ibex is easily described as desolate. I should have known this much after reading that it was located in Utah's West Desert but after visiting I can attest that this place is pretty "off the beaten path". The location feels untouched due to its remoteness. The place itself is a series of rock formations and boulders that line an old dry lake bed. The sun always seems to be beating down and the wind is constantly blowing. Yet, it makes for some great outdoor climbing. This trip was a personal triumph for me because I successfully completed my first 5.7 and 5.9 outdoor climbs. Photographing with a bunch of climbers is always fun. There is always this collective sense of exploration and easy going-ness that soothes my soul. This trip to Ibex was only a day gig but I hope I'll be able to spend more time out there in the future.  [Shot on Tmax 400 (pulled two stops) taken with a Mamiya 645]

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