

Taiwan was nothing like I expected it to be. It is amazing the stereotypes we come up with about the people and places we have never encountered. I was so nervous about the food and how we would communicate with people. Turns out the people were so graciously kind that I really didn’t have anything to worry about.

We were fortunate enough to stay with my husband’s Aunt and Uncle who have a wealth of knowledge about Taiwan. Aunt Gloria and Uncle Bob lived in Taiwan in the 70’s as missionaries and currently live there while Bob finishes up his last assignment for the U.S. State Department. They were great tour guides and really showed us the best of Taiwan.

We spent most of our time in Kaohsiung, which is in the southern part of Taiwan. The city has a heavy past in manufacturing and they have sort of reimagined parts of the city so there are some great old parts of town that have been revitalized. The humidity is insane and the food is divine. Can you say dumplings? We spent our days trying to see everything we possibly could. I spent nearly the entire trip lollygagging behind the group photographing almost anything and everything I saw.

Taiwan was so stimulating. Everywhere we went there was something to learn or see. All the Taiwanese people we encountered were warm and gracious. I walked away from that country really feeling enriched from the bright and inclusive culture that is uniquely Taiwan. [Shot on Portra 400 taken with a Canon EOS-3]

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