
Corona Arch

It is no secret that I am completely in love with the landscape in Southern Utah. That Red Rock mesmerizes me every time I experience it. I have photographed it time and time again and am always left intrigued. I always want to go back. However, the images never quite match up to what I see in my head. This time around I thought I would try and capture what Southern Utah makes me feel rather than how it looks.  These images were taken with Kodak E100VS, which is originally a slide film. I had it cross-processed, which means I had it developed as if it was a C-41 film, which adds some pretty major saturation to the color. Because of the statement this process makes, you either love it or you hate. In this case, I love it. The crazy potent reds with that brilliant blue sky may not accurately represent what Southern Utah looks like but for me, it captures what I feel like when I am in the landscape. [Shot on E100VS taken with Holga]

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